Rare Books
 14 Nov 2013 Rare BOOKS
Digital Rare Book:
The Tuzuk-i-Jahangiri or, Memoirs of Jahangir
Translated by Alexander Rogers
Edited by Henry Beveridge.
Published by Royal Asiatic Society, London -1909

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Emperor Jahangir receiving a p... Read More
 13 Nov 2013 Rare BOOKS
Digital Rare Book:
Astrology and its connection with Vedanta
By C. Venkata Rao
Acting Taluk Sheristadar of Rayadrug, Bellary district
Printed by D.V. Kristnan, Bellary - 1899

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Numerous pamphlets in En... Read More
 12 Nov 2013 Rare BOOKS
Digital Rare Book:
Hindu Astronomy
By W.Brennand
Published by C. Straker, London - 1896


It is perhaps expected that some reason should be given for the publication of this work, though it may appear inadequate. Force of circumstances; rather than deliberate choice on my part, impelled i... Read More
 11 Nov 2013 Rare BOOKS
Digital Rare Book:
History of mediaeval Hindu India - Being a history of India from 600 to 1200 AD
By Chintaman Vinayak Vaidya
Published by The Oriental Book Supplying Agency, Poona - 1921

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Bust of Kuma... Read More
 10 Nov 2013 Rare BOOKS
Digital Rare Book:
The Hindu-Arabic Numerals
By David Eugene Smith and Louis Charles Karpinski
Published by Ginn and Company, London - 1911


It has long been recognized that the common numerals used in daily life are of comparatively recent origin. The number of sys... Read More
 9 Nov 2013 Rare BOOKS
Digital Rare Book:
The Wheel of Fortune
By Mahatma Gandhi
Appreciation by Dwijendranath Tagore
Published by Ganesh & Co., Madras - 1922

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 8 Nov 2013 Rare BOOKS
Digital Rare Book:
Molecular diffraction of light
By Chandrashekara Venkata Raman
Published by The University of Calcutta - 1922

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 8 Nov 2013 Rare BOOKS
Digital Rare Book:
Psychodiagnostics: A diagnostic test based on Perception
By Hermann Rorschach
Published by Verlag Hans Huber, Berne - 1951

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Hermann Rorschach: Biography

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 7 Nov 2013 Rare BOOKS
Digital Rare Book:
The War of the Worlds
By Herbert George Wells
Published William Heinemann, London - 1898

War of the Worlds was written in response to several historical events. The most important was the unification and militarization of Germany, which led to a series of novels predicting wa... Read More
 7 Nov 2013 Rare BOOKS
Digital Rare Book:
The First Martian
By Eano Binder
Published in Amazing Stories Magazine, New York - 1932

Science Fiction short story published in October 1932 issue of Amazing Stories magazine.

"Our continued experiments in radio and television may play a much more important part in t... Read More
 7 Nov 2013 Rare BOOKS
Digital Rare Book:
The Martian Way
By Isaac Asimov
Published in Galaxy Science Fiction, New York - 1952

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 5 Nov 2013 Rare BOOKS
Digital Rare Book:
In Starry Realms
By Sir Robert S. Ball
Published by Sir Isaac Pitman & Sons, London - 1912

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 5 Nov 2013 Rare BOOKS
Digital Rare Book:
Rockets and Space Travel
By Maurice F. Allward and John W.R. Taylor
Published by Ian Allen, London - 1956

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 4 Nov 2013 Rare BOOKS
Digital Rare Book:
By Carl von Clausewitz (1780-1831)
Translated by J.J.Graham
Published by Kegan Paul, Trench and Trubner Co., London - 1908
Volume 1

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 3 Nov 2013 Rare BOOKS
Digital Rare Book:
The Sundhya or the Daily Prayers of the Brahmins.
Illustrated in a series of original drawings from nature, demonstrating their attitudes and different signs and figures performed by them during the ceremonies of their morning devotions, and likewise their poojas.
By Mrs. Soph... Read More
 3 Nov 2013 Rare BOOKS
Digital Rare Book:
The Rites of the Twice-born
By Mrs. Sinclair Stevenson
Published by Humphrey Milford, London - 1920

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 2 Nov 2013 Rare BOOKS
Digital Rare Book:
Hindu Feasts, Fasts and Ceremonies
By S.M. Natesa Sastri
With an introduction by Henry K. Beauchamp
Printed at The M.E. Publishing House, Madras - 1903

Book Extract:
On the day of the Dipavali feast every Hindu gets up at about 4 o'clock in the morning and bathes in oil befor... Read More
 30 Oct 2013 Rare BOOKS
It was on 30th October 2009 when the Rare Book Society of India made its beginning.

And the journey yet continues... Read More
 26 Oct 2013 Rare BOOKS
Digital Rare Book:
Description de l'univers
By Alain Manesson Mallet
Published by D. Thierry, Paris - 1683
In French
Volume 2

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Alain Manesson Mallet (1630–1706) was a French cartograph... Read More
 25 Oct 2013 Rare BOOKS
Digital Rare Book:
Preservation of National Monuments:
Report of the Curator of Ancient Monuments in India
Published by Government Central Branch Press, Simla - 1882

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First Report for the year 1881-82 -


Second Report for the year 1882-83 -

http://bit.l... Read More
 25 Oct 2013 Rare BOOKS
Digital Rare Book:
Illustrations of buildings near Muttra and Agra, showing the mixed Hindu-Muslim Style of Upper India
By Henry Hardy Cole
Published by The India Office, London - 1873

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