Rare Books
 22 Dec 2013 Rare BOOKS
Digital Rare Book:
An Account of the Religion, Manners, and Learning of the People of Malabar
By Thomas J. Phillips
Translated from the High-Dutch
Published by W. Mears, London - 1717

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 21 Dec 2013 Rare BOOKS
Digital Rare Book:
The Gospel in South India or, The religious life, experience, and character of the Hindu Christians
By Rev. Samuel Mateer
Published by Religious Tract Society, London - 1880

Rev. Samuel Mateer was the first missionary who endeavored for the growth of an indigenous Church... Read More
 21 Dec 2013 Rare BOOKS
Digital Rare Book:
Native Life in Travancore
By Rev. Samuel Mateer
Published by W.H. Allen & Co., London - 1883

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 21 Dec 2013 Rare BOOKS
Digital Rare Book:
The Land of Charity - A descriptive account of Travancore and its people
By Rev.Samuel Mateer
Published by John Snow and Co., London - 1871

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 17 Dec 2013 Rare BOOKS
Digital Rare Book:
Hortus Indicus Malabaricus
By Hendrik van Rheede
Published by Johann van Someren, Amsterdam: 1678-1693
In Latin

Hortus Malabaricus (meaning "Garden of Malabar") is a comprehensive treatise that deals with the medicinal properties of the flora in the Indian state of Kerala. Ori... Read More
 16 Dec 2013 Rare BOOKS
Digital Rare Book:
By Mahadev Desai
Published by Navjivan Karyalaya, Ahmedabad - 1937

"I verily believe that when all else about Travancore is forgotten, this one act of the Maharajah - "the Proclamation" will be remembered by future generations with gratitude".
- Gandhiji

"The Proc... Read More
 15 Dec 2013 Rare BOOKS
Digital Rare Book:
Serpent and Siva worship and mythology, in Central America, Africa, and Asia.
And The origin of serpent worship.
Two treatises.
By Hyde Clarke and C. Staniland Wake
Edited by Alexander Wilder
Published by J. W. Bouton, New York - 1877

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 15 Dec 2013 Rare BOOKS
Digital Rare Book:
Studies in Saiva-Siddhanta
By J.M.Nallasvami Pillai
Published by Meykandan Press, Madras - 1911

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Śiva riding his vehicle or mount, Nandi the bull. The river Ganga f... Read More
 13 Dec 2013 Rare BOOKS
Digital Rare Book:
Games Ancient and Oriental and How to Play Them - Being the games of the ancient Egyptians, the Hiera Gramme of the Greeks, the Ludus Latrunculorum of the Romans and the oriental games of chess, draughts, backgammon and magic squares.
By Edward Falkener
Published by Longmans,Gr... Read More
 10 Dec 2013 Rare BOOKS
Digital Rare Book:
Historical sketches of the south of India, in an attempt to trace the HISTORY OF MYSOOR, from the origin of the Hindoo government of that state, to the extinction of the Mohammedan dynasty in 1799
By Lieut. Col. Mark Wilks
Printed for Longman, Hurst, Rees & Orme, London - 18... Read More
 7 Dec 2013 Rare BOOKS
Digital Rare Book:
Supplement to Who's Who in India - Containing lives and photographs of the recipients of honours on 12th December 1911, together with an illustrated account of the visit of Their Imperial Majesties the King-Emperer and Queen-Empress to India and the Coronation Durbar
Publish... Read More
 6 Dec 2013 Rare BOOKS
Digital Rare Book:
Coronation Durbar Delhi 1911
Official Directory with Maps
Printed by The Superintendent, Government Printing, Calcutta - 1911

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Aout this painting:

The State Entry into Delhi
by Roderick Dem... Read More
 4 Dec 2013 Rare BOOKS
Digital Rare Book:
Rabindranath Tagore - A biographical study
By Ernest Rhys
Published by MacMillan, London - 1915

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Sir Rabindranath Tagore
by Sir William Rothenstein
sanguine and b... Read More
 4 Dec 2013 Rare BOOKS
Digital Rare Book:
The Philosophy of Rabindranath Tagore
By Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan
Published by Macmillan, London - 1918

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Sir Rabindranath Tagore
by W. Fearon Halliday
sepia-toned... Read More
 2 Dec 2013 Rare BOOKS
Digital Rare Book:
GITANJALI - The original manuscript
By Rabindranath Tagore
Published by Sahitya Samsad

This is the original version of manuscript of Gitanjali written by Rabindranath Tagore

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 2 Dec 2013 Rare BOOKS
Digital Rare Book:
Gitanjali - A collection of prose translations made by the author from the original Bengali
By Rabindranath Tagore
With an introduction by W.B. Yeats
Published by Macmillan, London - 1913

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 21 Nov 2013 Rare BOOKS
Digital Rare Book:
Ayeen Akbery or, The Institutes of the Emperor Akber
Translated from the original Persian by Francis Gladwin
Printed by G. Auld, London - 1800
In Two Volumes

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 20 Nov 2013 Rare BOOKS
Digital Rare Book:
Mughal Administration
By Jadunath Sarkar
Published by M.C.Sarkar & Sons, Calcutta - 1920

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An Officer in white jama with sword.
Gouache on paper.
Mughal Style
18th century

© Tr... Read More
 19 Nov 2013 Rare BOOKS
Digital Rare Book:
A History of Persian Language and Literature at the Mughal Court (Babur to Akbar)
By Muhammad Abdul Ghani
Published by The Indian Press Ltd., Allahabad - 1929

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Calligraphy; collection ... Read More
 16 Nov 2013 Rare BOOKS
Digital Rare Book :
Memoirs of the Emperor Jahangueir
Written by Himself
Translated from a Persian Manuscript
By Major David Price
Sold by J.Murray, London - 1829

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Book extract:

"....As at the very instant that... Read More
 15 Nov 2013 Rare BOOKS
Digital Rare Book:
Wakiʼat-i Jahangiri
By Henry Miers Elliot
Published by Sheikh Mubarak Ali, Lahore - 1875

The history of the reign of Jahangir depends almost entirely on the memoirs written by himself or under his directions. It has long been known that there were different works claiming to ... Read More