Posted on: 15 December 2013

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Serpent and Siva worship and mythology, in Central America, Africa, and Asia.
And The origin of serpent worship.
Two treatises.
By Hyde Clarke and C. Staniland Wake
Edited by Alexander Wilder
Published by J. W. Bouton, New York - 1877

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Siva and Pārvatī seated on a terrace, between a river with floating lotusses and garden. Garlanded with skulls, wreathed in snakes and with a multi-headed serpent in his hair, Śiva turns tenderly towards Pārvatī. They sit against a bolster of exquisite crimson and gold stuff, set before a dark night tinged only with the faintest gilding of the clouds. Śiva as the defeater of the elephant-demon wears its skin wrapped around his loins - the eyes and ears of the flayed animal are seen at the base of the skull-garland. The two deities are shown on the skin of a tiger, the seat of ascetics. The river Ganges flows through the hair of Śiva and cascades down beside them, past the diminutive figure of the bull mount of the god, Nandi. Painted on paper in bodycolour and gold inlaid with pieces of iridescent beetle carapace.

Rajasthan School
1800 (circa)

© Trustees of the British Museum

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What a beautiful painting !