Posted on: 30 October 2013

It was on 30th October 2009 when the Rare Book Society of India made its beginning.

And the journey yet continues...

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Congratulations RBSI!!

Thank you for sharing so many treasures. Congratulations!


Congratulations & thank you for you certainly got me interested & hooked onto antiquarian books which I've started collecting

Happy Anniversary to a fascinating enterprise! Am glad to be in your group, and love your posts!

To many more years of exploration together.

Incidentally i also joined FB in 2009. Happy anniversary RBSI.(y)

Splendid work!

Unbelievable, after all these years to see this again. We had an old copy Vol II, I think. in Lancaster University library.....Fanny Parker or something....and Welsh too. I remember her descriptions being quite vivid and varied....simple descriptions of activities, then a bit of Hindu Phil/Theology......nice to see such a good copy....

... The R.B.S.I is a bit like a decent cigar - not always good for the health, causing the occasional cough or splutter - but very satisfying regardless and mildly addictive ...

Congratulations...and celebrations!!

October 2014 we should have a symposium of interested people on the most discussed topics on this forum to mark 5 years. What do you say, Subbiah?

I love Rare Book Society of India - Happy Birthday

All the regional language bks need 2b explored as well.

Hearty congratulations...

Congratulations. May the venture continue.

RBSI doing great service. big thank you

Download the illustrated books free:

Volume 2:

Happy anniversary RBSI . Always enjoy your posts . Keep it up (Y)


Keep 'em coming!!! Always great reading about the rarest of rare books out here!!!

RBSI is sustained because of the effort of one passionate man behind it. Thank you Mr. Subbiah Yadalam.

Salutes to u

Happy Anniversary!

May you thrive and prosper.