Opaque watercolour painting of the Ranganatha temple at Srirangam, Tamil Nadu. At the centre of the painting is the vimana (main shrine) of the massive temple, but shown exaggeratedly large on account of the presence there of the image of the god - Viṣṇu lying on Ananta. At the top right of the p...
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Digital Rare Book:
History of Sri Vaiṣṇavas
Sir Subrahmanya Ayyar lectures
By T.A.Gopinatha Rao
Printed by The Superintendent, Government Press, Madras - 1923
Book Excerpt:
Ramanuja had heard in Saka 1009 (931-932 AD) that the Cola king Senni Kulottunga had destroyed the Visnu temple at Chida...
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Digital Rare Book:
The Vaishnavite Reformers of India - Critical sketches of their lives and writings
By T. Rajagopala Chariar
Published by G.A. Natesan & Co., Madras - 1909
Gouache painting on paper, part of an album of seventy paintings of Indian deities. Shri Ranganathasvami reclines on the fivehooded serpent Shesha (also known as Ananta), enshrined at the heart of the temple town of Srirangam. Above the reclining figure is Vibhishana, strewing flowers over his lo...
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Digital Rare Book:
Ekadashi Tatwam
By Mahamahopadhya Smarth Shri Raghunandan Bhattacharya
Published by Hughli Budhodayayantre,Budhuday Printing Press, Hooghly - 1894
In Sanskrit
Gouache painting on paper, part of an album of seventy paintings of Indian deities. The deity Manmatha rides on a chariot drawn by a red parrot. On his forehead is a Vaishnava namam. He is dressed in courtly attire: an ample jacket is loosely tied at his waist with a cummerbund or sash and a shaw...
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Digital Rare Book:
The Trident, the Crescent, and the Cross - A view of the religious history of India during the Hindu, Buddhist, Mohammedan, and Christian periods.
By Rev. James Vaughan
Published by Longmans, Green & Co., London - 1876
Brush drawing, Lakshmana preparing meal for Rama and Sita, ink on paper, Kangra, 19th century
Brush drawing in ink on paper, from a charcoal outline transferred from a pinhole stencil, Lakshman is preparing a meal for his brother Rama, and Sita. Lakshman bends over a log fire in rocky, wooded ...
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"Paithan" painting depicting the meeting of HanumÄn and Sita in Ravana's garden which is shown as a toddy palm plantation as exists in Andhra Pradesh. The diminutive HanumÄn has an extraordinarily long tail wound around the palmyra trees while he talks to Sita.
Photograph taken about 1900 by the Government photographer, Zacharias D'Cruz of the Shastha temple, Aryankavu in the erstwhile Travancore State. It is one of 76 prints in an album entitled 'Album of South Indian Views' of the Curzon Collection. George Nathaniel Curzon ...
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Bhairava, clad in an elephant skin and a tiger's hide, with the goddess Varahi seated on an elephant. He is pictured with his attributes of a drum, a corpse, a trident, a bowl, a stick and a deer in his six hands. The goddess is identified by her attributes of a plough, a sacred tree, an elephant...
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Pencil drawing by Frederick Charles Maisey of a carved slab with nagas, serpent deities, from Ranod in Madhya Pradesh. Inscribed: 'Ng Deo at Ranod on the bank of the Airwati about 100 yards SE of river near the Kirki leading to the Ghari', with notes. On reverse: ...
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Digital Rare Book:
Serpent and Siva worship and mythology, in Central America, Africa, and Asia.
And The origin of serpent worship.
Two treatises.
By Hyde Clarke and C. Staniland Wake
Edited by Alexander Wilder
Published by J. W. Bouton, New York - 1877
HARIHARA is the name of a combined deity form of both Vishnu (Hari) and Shiva (Hara) from the Hindu tradition. Also known as Shankaranarayana ("Shankara" is Shiva, and "Narayana" is Vishnu), Harihara is thus worshipped by both Vaishnavites and Shaivities as a form of the Supreme God, as well as b...
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Photograph of the Hariharesvara Temple at Harihar, taken by William Henry Pigou in 1855. The town of Harihar is situated on the right bank of the Thungabhadra river. The Harihareshvara temple is located in a large compound which includes the main temple and...
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