Posted on: 11 January 2014

Digital Rare Book:
History of Sri Vaiṣṇavas
Sir Subrahmanya Ayyar lectures
By T.A.Gopinatha Rao
Printed by The Superintendent, Government Press, Madras - 1923

Book Excerpt:

Ramanuja had heard in Saka 1009 (931-932 AD) that the Cola king Senni Kulottunga had destroyed the Visnu temple at Chidambaram and that its image therein had been carried by its votaries to Tirupati, where it had remained with them houseless. He is said to have influenced his royal convert Ghattideva Yadavaraya to erect a temple for it in Tirupati and got it set up there. Ghattideva Yadavaraya was also requested to superintend the services of the temple. Ramanuja then settled the dispute about the identity of the image of the Tirumala temple, which the Saivas claimed as that of Subrahmanya and the Vaisnavas asserted to be of Venkatesa. Of course his judgment was in favour of the Vaisnavas. He also established a number of Sri Vaisnava families at Ilamandayam, a village near Tirupati, which he purchased for the purpose.

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Watercolour painting on paper of a Vaishnava devotee in religious ecstasy. The male figure is shown stood on one leg, with his other bent back behind him. He wears a dhoti and is bare-chested. He raises his arms above his head and has his eyes closed. On his forehead is a Vaishnava naman (emblem) and he is surrounded by white rays which emanate out of him. The painting is surrounded by a black border.

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