Hinduism - the Sanathana Dharma

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 23 Jan 2015 Rare Paintings
Krishna and Rukmini as groom and bride in a celestial chariot driven by Ganesha
India, Rajasthan, Bundi, 1675-1700
Opaque watercolor and gold on paper

Source: Los Angeles County Museum of Art (LACMA) Read More
 23 Jan 2015 Sculpture
Dancing Ganesha
India, Madhya Pradesh, 11th century

Source: Los Angeles County Museum of Art (LACMA) Read More
 23 Jan 2015 Rare BOOKS
Digital Rare Book:
The Grihya-sutras
Rules of Vedic domestic ceremonies
Translated by Hermann Oldenberg
Published by Clarendon Press in Oxford - 1886

Grihya-sutra, in Hinduism, any of a number of manuals detailing the domestic (grihya) religious ceremonies performed by both male and female hou... Read More
 21 Jan 2015 Rare BOOKS
Digital Rare Book:
Hindu Philosophy
The Sankhya Karika of Iswara Krishna, an exposition of the system of Kapila, with an appendix on the Nyaya and Vaiseshika systems
By John Davies
Published by Trübner & Co.,London - 1881

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 21 Jan 2015 Rare Paintings
Navagunjara, a Universal Form of Krishna
ca. 1835
India (Rajasthan, Jodhpur[?])
Opaque watercolor, ink, and gold on paper

This colored drawing depicts a rare form of Krishna, Navagunjara, consisting of nine (nava) animal parts. In the Mahabharata, the Navagunjara form of Krishna (an avatar of Vi... Read More
 18 Jan 2015 Rare Paintings
Vishnu beheading Rahu with his Sudarshana chakra
From the book - Mahabharata
By Ramanarayanadatta astri
Volume: 1, Published by Geeta Press, Gorakhpur. Read More
 13 Aug 2014 Rare Paintings
'Shiva receiving Ganges' at Ravana Phadi Cave, Aihole - 1853

Pen-and-ink and wash drawing of a sculpture of Shiva receiving Ganges from the Ravana Phadi Cave at Aihole, by an Indian draftsman, dated 1853.

The large sculpture panel of Shiva receiving the Ganges (Gangadhara Shiva-Murti) is situat... Read More
 12 Aug 2014 Rare Paintings
Marks worn by the Brahmins

From the book -
The Sundhya or the Daily Prayers of the Brahmins.
Illustrated in a series of original drawings from nature, demonstrating their attitudes and different signs and figures performed by them during the ceremonies of their morning devotions, and likewise ... Read More
 12 Aug 2014 Rare Paintings
Panch Agnee

From the book -
The Sundhya or the Daily Prayers of the Brahmins.
Illustrated in a series of original drawings from nature, demonstrating their attitudes and different signs and figures performed by them during the ceremonies of their morning devotions, and likewise their poojas. ... Read More
 12 Aug 2014 Rare Paintings
Pooja of Hunooman [Hanuman]

From the book -
The Sundhya or the Daily Prayers of the Brahmins.
Illustrated in a series of original drawings from nature, demonstrating their attitudes and different signs and figures performed by them during the ceremonies of their morning devotions, and likewise... Read More
 12 Aug 2014 Rare Paintings
Pooja of Gunesh [Ganesh]

From the book -
The Sundhya or the Daily Prayers of the Brahmins.
Illustrated in a series of original drawings from nature, demonstrating their attitudes and different signs and figures performed by them during the ceremonies of their morning devotions, and likewise th... Read More
 12 Aug 2014 Rare Paintings
Poojah [Puja] of Mahadeo [Maha-deva]

From the book -
The Sundhya or the Daily Prayers of the Brahmins.
Illustrated in a series of original drawings from nature, demonstrating their attitudes and different signs and figures performed by them during the ceremonies of their morning devotions, and... Read More
 12 Aug 2014 Rare Paintings
Poojah [Puja] of Soorya [Surya].

From the book -
The Sundhya or the Daily Prayers of the Brahmins.
Illustrated in a series of original drawings from nature, demonstrating their attitudes and different signs and figures performed by them during the ceremonies of their morning devotions, and lik... Read More
 12 Aug 2014 Rare Paintings
Poojah [Puja] of Devee--Shico Shiva [ Devi (Siva-Siva)]. Pudmasheen [padmasana]

From the book -
The Sundhya or the Daily Prayers of the Brahmins.
Illustrated in a series of original drawings from nature, demonstrating their attitudes and different signs and figures performed by them during the... Read More
 11 Aug 2014 Rare Paintings
Poojah [Puja] of Vishnoo [Vishnu]. Pouring water on the Saligram [Saligrama].

From the book -
The Sundhya or the Daily Prayers of the Brahmins.
Illustrated in a series of original drawings from nature, demonstrating their attitudes and different signs and figures performed by them during the c... Read More
 11 Aug 2014 Rare Paintings
[Puja items]: artee puneh purdeep, Nundee [Nandin, or Nandi], dhoopdan [dhupadana], urgha, ghunta [ghanta], shunkh taiputree [sankha triputri], upkhora, shunkh [sankha].

From the book -
The Sundhya or the Daily Prayers of the Brahmins.
Illustrated in a series of original drawings from nature, ... Read More
 11 Aug 2014 Rare Paintings
Bhyragai [Vairagya]
Note: Vairâgya, 'renunciation'.

From the book -
The Sundhya or the Daily Prayers of the Brahmins.
Illustrated in a series of original drawings from nature, demonstrating their attitudes and different signs and figures performed by them during the ceremonies of their mornin... Read More
 11 Aug 2014 Rare Paintings
Gyan [Dhyana]

From the book -
The Sundhya or the Daily Prayers of the Brahmins.
Illustrated in a series of original drawings from nature, demonstrating their attitudes and different signs and figures performed by them during the ceremonies of their morning devotions, and likewise their poojas.... Read More
 11 Aug 2014 Rare Paintings
Signs of the Gayatri [Gayatri].

From the book -
The Sundhya or the Daily Prayers of the Brahmins.
Illustrated in a series of original drawings from nature, demonstrating their attitudes and different signs and figures performed by them during the ceremonies of their morning devotions, and like... Read More
 11 Aug 2014 Rare Paintings
Gayatri Jup [Gayatri japa]. The secret prayer.

From the book -
The Sundhya or the Daily Prayers of the Brahmins.
Illustrated in a series of original drawings from nature, demonstrating their attitudes and different signs and figures performed by them during the ceremonies of their morning devo... Read More
 11 Aug 2014 Rare Paintings
Soorya [Surya]
Prayer to the Sun

From the book -
The Sundhya or the Daily Prayers of the Brahmins.
Illustrated in a series of original drawings from nature, demonstrating their attitudes and different signs and figures performed by them during the ceremonies of their morning devotions, and lik... Read More