Posted on: 7 November 2010

Digital Rare Book :
OUT OF INDIA : Things I saw, and failed to see, in certain days and nights at Jeypore and elsewhere.
By Rudyard Kipling
Published by G.W.Dillingham, London - 1895

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Thanx RBSI :)

Kipling was not without detractors, George Orwell called him a "prophet of British imperialism" and some commentators rejected his stories as imperialist, vulgar, simple-minded, and offensive.

Thank You for the link.

Few geniuses of Kipling's stature were without detractors. By contrast with Orwell, Nirad Chaudhuri called "Kim" the finest story ever written about India in English.

...Orwell was never likely to be an admirer of Kipling, now was he Mr Wong ? It is harder to think of two writers more diametrically opposed ideologically...

Talking of Orwell...such a great essay :

...if you like that sort of thing RBSI ! Funnily enough both Kipling and Eric Blair ( Orwell) were born in India...

And how different could the two be....but literary giants they are nevertheless.

Kipling was a celebrity in India----a pity he didnt achieve the same adulation in the USA----tho he carriedv his Indian connections there--by calling his house in Vermont--"Naulakha"

Thing about Kipling, he might have been the prophet of British Imperialism and his work might have racist overtones (Just So Stories is lovely though the Parsi man and the Ethopian do make you squirm a bit) but there's no getting away from the fact that the man was a genius. And in a strange way, when you read him you get the sense that he's more 'Indian' than many Indians writing in English today.

...Kipling was a product of his times (quite aside from being one of the greatest writers that the English language has ever produced) no more and no less... To dismiss him as a 'bigot' or some sort of crack-pot is to succumb to the post-colonial, 'revisionist' malaise.... !

Have you read Kipling's prose? it crackles w life.I went to Bundi on the strength of his description. what a writer! He's a genius.