Posted on: 27 October 2010

Langur Garh in the Srinagar mountains, Garhwal,Uttar Pradesh - 3 May 1789

Pencil and wash drawing of Langur Garh in the Srinagar mountains, Garhwal by Thomas (1749-1840) and William (1769-1837) Daniell, 3 May 1789. Inscribed on the front in pencil is: '15'; on the back in ink: 'Nr 56. Lungoor Ghur, Srinagur mountains'; in pencil: '4 days from Srinagar. 3 May. Lung fort. No.75.'
Garhwal (Land of the Forts) is situated in Uttar Pradesh in the north of India. The region has had a turbulent political history but is of great religious significance as the Ganga and Yamuna Rivers both have their sources in the mountains here. The Hindu reformer Shankara came to this region in the 9th century and incorporated many of the Buddhist shrines in the area into Hinduism. He founded four main yatra (pilgrimage) temples which are visited by pilgrims each year between May and November once the snow on the mountains has melted.

Source : British Library

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Biography of Shankara by Swami Sivananda : ...."Chaos pervaded all through India in the matter of religion and philosophy. Sect after sect, such as Charvakas, Lokayathikas, Kapalikas, Shaktas, Sankhyas, Buddhas and Madhyamikas sprang up. The number of religions rose as high as seventy-two. There was fight amongst sects. There was no peace anywhere.".... An we think there is religious strife in the 21st century !!
