Posted on: 24 October 2010

Digital Rare Book :
By A.O.Hume and C.H.T.Marshall
Published in 1879.
(In Three Volumes)

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being a member of BNHS earlier, I think this book would be a wonderful to read about the kinds of birds that existed in the last centuy and compare the same with those birds written about by Salim Ali.

Salim Ali was one of world's top Ornithlogists. He was awarded a D.Sc. degree by Yale - a rare honor reserved for only the most outstanding scientists of the time.

i had the chance to glance throug the book , the plates are supperb... & it was really interesting to read it ...... natraj publishers dehradun , hav got few copies of the new publicasition by them ... it is leather bound ........costing about 4000 rs...... good effort but no match to the original

Absolutely...nothing ever matches the original. : )

Marshall was actually the artist who illustrated the book but he did not contribute a word to the text (which was all Hume's own plus extracts from notes sent to him by his correspondents such as Bourdillon, Osmaston and others from all over India). It is a measure of Hume's magananimity that he insisted that Marshall be named co-author (saying as uch in the preface to the book). But Hume also expressed dissatisfaction in the preface with the quality of the lithography (not Marshall's fault) which, in his opinion, did not sufficiently depict the subtle variations in plumage colour. Yes, the original book is something to hold in your hand but most of us have to be content with the reprint. But I consider the 11 volumes of Stray Feathers (a journal of ornithology for India & its dependencies, edited and mostly written by Hume) to be his magnum opus, published irregularly between 1873 - 89. No pics or drawings but including accounts of his expeditions to Tenasserim and, if I remember right (must consult my set to night) to the High Pamirs. Still a source of ref for any student of ornithology in India and perhaps one of the few bird books / mags to devote considerable space to nidification or nests and eggs of birds. A good follower of Hume in this respect is Rishaad Nowrojee with his book on the raptors of India, an excellent volume unlikely to be surpassed any time soon.

Searched Ebay on spec after writing the above and, Ooh!, a set is on offerat ONLY Oz $ 2.5 K! I am not bidding!

And any number available on ABE Books, starting at GBP 400 for the full set.

Steep ! But then, thats how much they cost these days. In the meanwhile..there is always a digitized version on RBSI. : )