Posted on: 20 October 2010

Digital Rare Book :
Translated into English by Srisa Chandra Vasu
Published by Sindhu Charan Bose at The Panini Office, Benares - 1897

The Ashtadhyayi is one of the earliest known grammars of Sanskrit, although he refers to previous texts like the Unadisutra, Dhatupatha, and Ganapatha.[2] It is the earliest known work on descriptive linguistics and generative linguistics, and together with the work of his immediate predecessors (Nirukta, Nighantu, Pratishakyas) stands at the beginning of the history of linguistics itself.Pāṇini's comprehensive and scientific theory of grammar is conventionally taken to mark the end of the period of Vedic Sanskrit, by definition introducing Classical Sanskrit.

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Any reason why you brought this up again? Thanks anyway, last time I was not able to download it. This time I hope I will be able to do it.

The image is the same...for want of any other picture of Panini. But the version and author are different. This is very exhaustive (121 mb ) and is a English translation.

@RBSI: This is the same book which you had once put up as a rare book sometime back only that that copy was the new and current reprint of the same by M/s Motilal Banarasidass Book Pub. Ltd. Further the one put up is only in part i.e. The text contained is only from the 6th Chapter onwards. There are other 5 Chapters prior to this without which the book won't be useful. As I had told once in this portal, Sh S.C.Vasu has translated the seminal works of Sanskrit Grammar representing the two streams of Sanskrit Grammar learning viz the <1> Ashtadhyayi with kAshikA vR^itti and <2> the siddhAnta kaumudI that is in popular use today. It is to be noted that MLBD have not re-edited the book afresh but have only made photo offset mothers of the book as ancient as this and re-printed the same. The present work is a part of the kAshika vR^tti translation. If only to preserve the "old" edition as a service to Rare Books then the Chs 1 through 5 need obtained. Today, what I feel would be useful would be a critical edition of this book and a rephrasing and/or annotating the same with current terminaology from linguistics or may be taking a scientific Database System kind of view and publising it i English so that may be even a good software engineer could make head or tail of what is being said. I personally feel borrowing terms from Computer and Database systems would be better rather than sticking to old English grammar terms which most modern students would not be knowing as formal grammar teaching has vanished from school curricula.

MSS : Since I could not source the first part anywhere...we have to retain this digitized version for its antiquarian value.

For those who are interested, and can access it, the full text is available in the British Library: The Ashtādhyāyi of Pānini [with extracts from the Kāṣikāvṇitti of Vāmana and Jayīditya], edited and translated into English by Śŕiśā Chandra Vasu, BA, Vol I and II. First published in 1891 by Indian Press, Allahabad. Reprinted in 1962 by Motilal Banarasidas. Shelfmark: 14093.d.18.

gr8 stuff here of urs and thanks for many other digital works.