Posted on: 24 September 2010

Class in progress in the Parsi Virbaiji School, Karachi - 1873

Photograph of a class in progress in the Parsi Virbaiji School at Karachi in Sind, Pakistan from the Archaeological Survey of India Collections: India Office Series (Volume 46), taken by Michie and Company in c.1873. This image was exhibited at the Vienna Universal Exhibition of the same year. The Parsis, followers of Zoroaster, were the descendants of those who fled Persia in the seventh and eighth centuries to escape religious persecution. Many indigenous schools were established by the Government during the nineteenth century and this one served the Parsi community.

Source : British Library

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love my parsis!



Nanabhai F. Spencer was the Founder-Secretary and Treasurer in 1859 while Mobed Naurozdaru was the first teacher at "The Parsi Balakshala". In 1862, Seth Shahpurji became the Honorary Secretary and Treasurer as he was regarded as the founder of the school because of his services and donations. In 1869, Bai Virbaiji Soparivala, wife of Seth Shahpurji, died and in 1870 Parsi Balakshala was renamed after the deceased wife of the founder as Parsi Virbaiji Soparivala School (P.V.S.S.).

In 1875, Parsi Virbaiji Soparivala School became Bai Virbaiji Soparivala Parsi Anglo-Vernacular School and H. E. Sir Robert Temple, Governor of Bombay, visited the P. V. S. In 1877, Seth Shahpurji was awarded the "Certificate of Loyalty" by Queen Victoria for his services in the field of education and the social sector.

Excellent info Nisha, thank you..