Posted on: 19 September 2010

Digital Book :
The Life Of HIUEN TSIANG by The Shaman Hwu Li
By Samuel Beal
Published by Kegan, Paul, Trench, Trubner & Co., London - 1911

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The legendary Chinese traveller. During the glorious days of Nalanda University, Hiuen Tsang came to study Buddhism and mysticism in India. He came in India in 633 AD i.e. during the Gupta period and stayed at Nalanda University for twelve years

Nisha, do you know what the end result was? I would so love to come to India to learn 'from within' and Buddhism, mysticism and the like. We have nothing even close to that in the West. Its just greed and 'all for oneself'....I love this site as it has so much to teach, I could read all day! I know I'm kind of hooked on Jaacob Thomas's teachings, as he is really very well read, but you seem quite well read too, and I love to learn from the greatest!!

The painting of Hiuen Tsang is really inspiring, for it epitomises quest for knowldge. Having travelled to India braving all odds and spending long years studying Buddhism and documenting his observations, he is supposed to have returned to his homeland with, besides other things, over 650 priceless books (and on top translated 74 of them!). Does anyone even browse 650 books these days?

Yes...he is carrying scrolls on his back with an umbrella on the top to protect it from sun and rain!! How unique. Stay on RBSI for 300 days more will soon browse through 650 books too. I wouldnt call them priceless....but as rare books they would definitely be pricey....: )

@ All The books themselves may be frayed paper backs.. It is the contents and the wisdoms that are priceless and are callously ignored these days..

@RBSI: No wonder Nalanda had a nine storey library. Rare books are not rare to find books but are books of rare beauty and intellect and also difficult to find.

three Indian metros/towns which are great repository's of rare 'old books for me are--Delhi(behind LAL KILA--DARYAGANJ)---Lucknow (Aminabad)--and Kolkata--I have been lucky to get an original "Ulysses" by James Joyce in Kolkata for 25 Rs---way back in 1968----an original--1892 print of Rudyard Kipling's-'Barrack-Room Ballads in Lucnow--for 13 Rs and a complete set of History of India by Vincent "Smith for Rs50 in Delhi It requires time --patience-and some money --these days as the "rardi wallas" have become street smart these days