Famine is not history. It is happening in some corners of the World right now. Even in India, there always are thousands - if not millions - living near starvation. Yet, we spend billions on silly items. When will we ever learn?
Churchill was responsible for the famine in Bengal in 1943--by commandeering all the food stocks for troops and his countrymen during WW11---
Read Book Online : http://www.archive.org/stream/faminetruthshalf00mcmirich#page/n3/mode/2up
Download pdf Book : http://ia360642.us.archive.org/0/items/faminetruthshalf00mcmirich/faminetruthshalf00mcmirich.pdf
Images of the Indian famine from the LIFE Archives : http://images.google.com/images?hl=en&biw=1673&bih=887&tbs=isch%3A1&sa=1&q=FAMINE+IN+INDIA%2C+1946+source%3Alife+source%3Alife&btnG=Search&aq=f&aqi&aql&oq&gs_rfai
Famine is not history. It is happening in some corners of the World right now. Even in India, there always are thousands - if not millions - living near starvation. Yet, we spend billions on silly items. When will we ever learn?
Churchill was responsible for the famine in Bengal in 1943--by commandeering all the food stocks for troops and his countrymen during WW11---