Posted on: 9 September 2010

Digital Book :
The Origin Of The Sense Of Beauty
By Felix Clay - Architect
Published by Smith Elder & Co., London - 1908

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Michealangelo,Reaphael,Pablo Picasso....they are dream to me, my wish to see and feel in around Italian Roman architectures and beauty in those sculptures,paintings...hmmmm

I love Italian architecture too....the best part of my degree was studying Italian Renaissance Art. Gothic architecture fascinates me too...all those flying buttresses...amazing how those heavy stone buildings didn't collapse with all that glass. All down to the flying buttresses, of course. :)) I do love Michaelangelo's sculptures, but my favourite Italian Renaissance painter is Titian. His paintings have a sketchy quality which was before his time. Did you know that Michaelangelo was so frustrated in his dealings with the pope, that he declared that he would rather have been a match-seller than an artist? Glad he wasn't!! :))

I simply adore Palladian and Neoclassical architecture. It is absolute perfection itself.