Posted on: 3 September 2010

Digital Book :
H R H The Prince Of Wales's Sport In India
By Bernard C. Ellison
Published by William Heinemann Ltd., London - 1925

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Awesome 1922 photo with a young Lord Louis Mountbatten, Prince of Wales on a tiger shoot

10 names ...11 bods !

Shooting tigers would have been a lot more interesting, if the tigers were armed and shot back!! :)

The recording reveal how the British destroyed our wildlife. Interesting recording of Prince of Wales Sport in India, including Mysore.

Hunting as we all know...was considerd a sport in a different age in a totally different cultural context. Its best we try not to judge it from todays sensibilities. And, the British of course did not destroy our wildife...this was considered a sport by every race from millenia.

Good old Subbiah preserving the balance with diplomacy ! We are all destroying this planet , its peoples and resources, every day on a scale unimagined in 1922!

Yes Yvonne. That is the plain truth..."We are all destroying this planet , its peoples and resources, every day".... ..And now Professor Frank Fenner, emeritus professor of microbiology at the Australian National University, has predicted that the human race will be extinct within the next 100 years.

RBSI: It is true we cannot judge things of the past from today's sensibilities. But is it wholly true? How will future judge our present? Can we say what we do today or see people in power do today meets with our sensibilities of today? Judge we must, but we can be a little more considerate (as you say) about the past because we cannot undo what has been done. Also, those stupid guys who hunted may have done somethings which stand in good stead for us today.

We are probably the most stupid and self-destructive generation mankind has ever seen. Its so obvious we have screwed up every aspect of our lives.....and it will be a miracle if mankind manages to see the next century. Whatever we beleive as progess is actually unsustainable : our model for retail/business consumption, our model for finance and debt creation, our model for usage of natural resources - oil, minerals, water and air. And I am speaking of today and I could go on.... Please watch changed my smug worldview forever : Also the brilliant site of Annie Leonard. This lady truly desrves the Nobel Prize :

My late aunt's husband , an electrical engineer in the service of the 'Raj' both in Madras and later in Bengal Presidencies , was quite a 'shikari' in his time. A crack shot , he 'bagged' certainly more than one big cat - in addition to several other game . Though he passed away in 1970, his gun collection is still on display in the family home.

Remember reading somewhere that it was on that trip that Lord M . proposed to Edwina Ashley . Well , he had nothing to lose - and everything to gain - as she was reputedly the richest heiress of her time.

Meow Jaacob DID have a title to confer ...and he would be Viceroy of India some day ,German princeling ?of the Battenberg /Mountbatten lineage

Does anybody wear solar topees anymore ?

Mysore Maharaja Jayachamaraja Wadiyar was an excellent shooter and loved Shikari. But the very same ruler gave up the sport, declared the forest 'reserve' and became President of Wildlife Board of India. What is needed is such a vision, consideration for the future.

That certainly should have figured very prominently in her 'calculations' also the fact that he was quite the Adonis. But then , as one of two heiresses to fond grandpa Sir Ernest Cassel's gigantic fortune of over Stg 6 million .she'd have been quite the catch for Lord M. ...then not exactly rolling in the Battenburg 'millions'. This marrying of fabled heiresses ( predominantly from 'across the pond') seems to have been a sure-fire way of keeping the home fires burning in many a Ducal hearth . One of the many instances being notre cher Winnie's older cousin the Djook marrying a Vanderbilt heiress . Arguably less for 'love' , than for the noble endeavour of keeping the Marlboroughs in 'Champers and Caviar ' and 'Ascot Gavottes' for generations to come ..

RBSI : Totally agree with you, we are the most stupid and self-destructive generation ever. It's just as well that mankind will not last another 100 years, the universe needs a break from us

I don't see the brouhaha surrounding the photo so earth-shaking --its just another "Royal"at his silly games-yes it has some importance in that he too was part of the British and Indian nobility who killed the tiger for "sport'--real 'sport ' to me is when both 'hunted ' and 'hunter' have the same 'playing field"--not a gun vs an animal/bird

|I fully agree with both Kanu and Mrinalini. Perhaps the world does need a break from us.

Yes I too agree , the world does need a break from US mankind! There's surfeit of man's prying and destroying nature. Man also needs relief from the world. He has suffered too much by his own rapacity.

Julian Craig, I miss you.