Our earliest attempt at Independence
By Bhai Paramanand
Published in New Delhi - 1907
To students of Indian history, this volume may be useful as a continuation of Mr. Ranade's work on the Rise and growth of the Marhatta Empire. It takes up the thread of events where that gifted author leaves it off. But from the view-point of the country as a whole, its peculiar interest and charm lies in this that the narrative is a detailed descrip- tion of the earliest combined attempt made by the Princes of India to liberate their country from the impending foreign yoke. Here-in we come across for the first time, how the British policy and plan of the conquest of India is laid bare to these princes and they for once make up their minds to resist it. This combination was not quite sincere or for the common good and led to no success. Their troubles went on and having lost all hope in other ways the princes or their helpless successors sought the aid of the army and created a rising in 1857 which again ended in a great disaster.
It is hoped that this essay may stimulate an intelligent interest in the study of our history. The old order has changed. Time has healed up the old wounds. The last Great War has radically changed the British angle of vision. There are great signs of new hope in the awakening of the people.
Bhai Parmanand.
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