Posted on: 22 June 2010

The Present Residence of the Agent to the Governor-General - the Ludlow Castle, with a waiting carriage, camels and elephants, and full escort of Skinner’s Horse outside - 1843

[From 'Reminiscences of Imperial Delhi’, an album consisting of 89 folios containing approximately 130 paintings of views of the Mughal and pre-Mughal monuments of Delhi, as well as other contemporary material, with an accompanying manuscript text written by Sir Thomas Theophilus Metcalfe (1795-1853), the Governor-General’s Agent at the imperial court. Acquired with the assistance of the Heritage Lottery Fund and of the National Art-Collections Fund.]
[The Agency, Ludlow Castle, with a waiting carriage, camels and elephants, and full escort of Skinner’s Horse drawn up outside. Samuel Ludlow (d.1853), a surgeon with the Bengal establishment of the East India Company, was stationed with the Delhi residency from 1813-31, which is probably when he built his house called Ludlow Castle in the civil lines of Delhi. It later become the Commissioner's House and was pulled down sometime during the 1960s. ]Inscribed: filha-yi [daishti?]. jur-daran. savarun bar[’dr?]. naqsha-i savari Tamas Siyafilas Mitkab sahib bahadur ….ajantsi. ‘amal Mazhar ‘Ali Khan.The Present Residence of the Agent to the Governor General, with his retinue and attendance. The building is also known as “Ludlow Castle” having been built by S. Ludlow Esquire, many years the Civil Surgeon of Dehlie. The proper Residency hitherto in the occupation of the chief authority at Dehlie has lately been appropriated to the purposes of an Anglo Indian College - greatly to the surprise of the native community, and consequently in their opinion somewhat to the discredit of the ruling power.

Source : British Library

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2 minutes walk from where I grew up