Posted on: 6 May 2010

Figures in the Courtyard of a Mosque - 1893
By Edwin Lord Weeks

Edwin Lord Weeks is one of the most celebrated of the American Orientalist, this certainly being so during his lifetime, and although quite a lot is recorded concerning his professional career and travels, much of this from his own extensive travel writings, relatively little is known about his private life.

He spent two years in India before returning home to Paris. His paintings of Indian life gave him celebrity both in France and America and they became his specialty. He was able to spend the next thirteen years in a splendid residence with a huge atelier on the Avenue de Wagram before moving nearer to the Bois de Boulogne.

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I love to have replica of his paintings. His style resembles that of Thomas Kinkade.

Thamrong : Just my thoughts.....

I am enjoying all your postings..Indian history is like a complex mosaic tiles...yet interesting.

'Complex mosaic' is an interesting description. : )

I am knocking off for the night..thanks for the good posting.

Curious, the links to read/ download books, you get 'em from google books/ archives?

Manish : Always. Otherwise you will not be able to download them, and the very purpose of this site is to enjoy these lost rare books and enable to make a personal digital collection. Its just a matter of time before we would have downloaded these books on our Ipads....thanks to Steve Jobs.

Thanks as you're doing a wonderful job and i can't wait for these books to be available on Ipad :)

Thanks Manish....kind words.

Thank you for posting this beautiful picture. Where is this mosque? Any clues?


Very peaceful..:)

Asad bhai I am sure you can make out the time period from the shape of the domes...but Rare Book Society.... should be able to give you the identity of the mosque.


Domes of Islamic monuments in South India are a bit different from those in the North, so it is hard to conjecture.Thanks for your comment.

Yes, searched the net but this painting is all for sale over the internet with no details.seeing the way men are wearing Dhoti (Indian lower garment worn by men in that era) is the one worn in Northern India ,while the other men are wearing regal traditional dress is nearer to Mongol and Mugal where as the one sitting at the back looks like Afro - asian .So the situation looks like Northern India could be Delhi.the structure is quite similar to the one in Qutab minar Right hand side entrance but there is no Hauz in that Mosque so I would'nt be sure about it.....