Posted on: 8 April 2010

Styles & titles by which Emperor Bahadur Shah 'addressed' the Agent of the Governor-General - 1843.
[From 'Reminiscences of Imperial Delhi’, an album consisting of 89 folios containing approximately 130 paintings of views of the Mughal and pre-Mughal monuments of Delhi, as well as other contemporary material, with an accompanying manuscript text written by Sir Thomas Theophilus Metcalfe (1795-1853), the Governor-General’s Agent at the imperial court. Acquired with the assistance of the Heritage Lottery Fund and of the National Art-Collections Fund.]
[Styles & titles by which Emperor Bahadur Shah addressed the Agent of the Governor-General.]
Translate of the foregoing:
Amarut o Awalee Murtabat
Fidwee Khaus Aqeedut Ikhtesaus
Laeg ul Enaet wul Ehsaum
Furzund Arjomund Sooltani
Mouzum ood Dowla
Ameen ool Moolk
Ikhtisaus Yar Khan
Thomas Theophilus Metcalfe Buhadoor
Feroze Jung
Saheb Agent Nawab Governor General Buhadoor
Moukhtar Amoor Surkar Dowlut Mudar Company Engraize Buhadoor
Saheb Commissioner Bahadoor Maul o Daer Saer Ilaqua Dar ul Khilofa Shah Jahanabad
The noble and dignified in rank
The excellent and faithfully devoted adherent
Worthy of Favor and Courtesy
Illustrious Son of our Royal Houseof excellent Repute
Superintendent of the Empire
The chosen and honorable Friend
Thomas Theophilus Metcalfe Esquire
Victorious in Battle
Agent to His Lordship the Governor General
Minister of the Affairs of the Government of the Empire of the Honorable Company
And Commissioner of the Revenue and Circuit for the Territories of the Imperial City of Shah Jahanabad.
- British Library

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Rare Book Society, you are doing a commendable job. It is great to see you on the Facebook timeline in the maze of Farmville and Mafias.

Thanks Nikhil. I have no idea about Farmville and Mafias. Never visited those pages.

They are Facebook Games, which just ruin the Facebook page

Halleluah Nikhil ! You just have to hide those games when they appear on your wall by clicking on the hide symbol to the right which appears when you hover your mouse over it

Thanks for the tip! I too am frustrated with notifications of people "fertilizing someone's eggs" in farmville. :))

haha...i officially joined a group that says" not interested in your farm ,your mafia or your fish!"..subbuiah..youre well placed,ignorance is bliss!:)