Posted on: 20 March 2010

An overview of the JAMA MASJID looking SOUTHWARD, including a panoramic view of the rest of the city to the SOUTH, artist unknown, c.1840's (?)
Source: "Provided by William Dalrymple from his private collection, August 2006. This painting undoubtedly dates from c.1820-1850, and seems to be of the school of Mazhar Ali Khan. Through the courtesy of William Dalrymple, we have a number of very large of views of it, so that the tiny Urdu inscriptions that identify many buildings can be read". - Columbia University.

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Overview - Huge Picture :

absolutely breathtaking!..thanks!...would you be having a picture of red fort that can be similarly enlarged?(from school of mazhar ali khan..of delhi mid 1800s.)

how come William Dalrymple has it?

Its part of his private collection.

well thats what i want to know how come this went to his private collection not in museum

He must have purchased it from a private collector. Not all antiquities are in museums. An equal number or more may be in private collections world over.

i thought i had seen one of the illustrations in the "delhie book",which was remarkably similar to this.

Dalrymple is a purebred Indophile !Just love his books !AND his Youtube videos . Just discovered Michael Wood with his Story of India ...just purchased the book and DVD from PBS . I recommend highly !

Sonia : It does look similar to Dehlie Book bcos the painting is attributed to Mazhar Khan's school. Yvonne : Thanks for the book info. Will check it out.