Posted on: 17 February 2010

Riacotta in the Baramahal - Henry Salt(1780-1827).
Published by William Miller, London 1809.Aquatint with original hand colouring. Approx. 530 x 687mm. (21x27ins).Aquatint with original hand-colouring by D.Havell after Henry Salt.One of a series of fine plates produced from drawings by Salt, made when accompanying Viscount Valentia on an eastern tour which included the first British mission to Abyssinia. Salt acted as both his secretary and draftsman. The son of a Lichfield doctor and a pupil of Joseph Farrington and John Hopner, Salt later became an R.A.Abbey Travel 515 no.12. J.R. Abbey, Travel in Aquatint and Lithography 1770-1860 from the library of J.R. Abbey: a bibliographical catalogue. London 1957.

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Comments from Facebook

A superb aquatint ! One of my favorites...

Quite stunning.

Simply glorious...

One of my favorites too, esp the way space is used to show the lofty rocks...from far away, giving them height...