Posted on: 14 October 2011

菩提达摩 3 Bodhidharma the founder of Shaolin Kung fu 菩提達摩 3

Bodhidharma the founder of Shaolin Kung fu

A Chinese movie on the founder of Kung fu - Bodhidharma. Fascinating visuals begin around 4.24 min. when Indians in Kanchipuram start speaking in Chinese !! : ) ....Less than desirable print quality, but worth watching. 在下向这部杰出影片的导演及所有的演员,工作人员致崇高的敬意.感恩,感恩.在下把这 部杰出影片上载只是为了帮助众生,净化社会,及想跟大众分享.如有违反版权,请留言( with contact phone no & address),影片将会删除.阿弥陀佛,功德无量! 更多的佛法联系 : http://www.foz...

Comments from Facebook

TOP FIGHTER (Documentary Video 1995 ) - Part 1 of 7 A voyage for the times of the martial arts cinema, from the beginning in China in the 6th Century A.C. by a Buddhist monk, Bodhidharma, until the actual time and the influence in the world, with interviews to actors and historians, and a review to the most important movies of all times and to the most famous action movies actors. Starts around 5.25 min. :


So cool.