Posted on: 14 September 2010

Mohenjo-daro: An Ancient Indus Valley Civilization Metropolis

An Ancient Indus Valley Metropolis
By Jonathan Mark Kenoyer
University of Wisconsin, Madison

The name of Mohenjo-daro is widely recognized as one of the most important early cities of South Asia and the Indus Civilization and yet most publications rarely provide more than a cursory overview of this important site.

Read the full article : Illustrated Essay on the Early City of Mohenjo-daro

Comments from Facebook

i am literally like a broody hen - leaping on the posts today with yelps of expectancy. MY beloved and absolutely best teacher in the world, Miss Jagtiani, instilled a passion for Mohenjo-Daro when I was was 11 - thank you for a splendid afternoon

Have also just found a Facebook page - - full of updates and insights - even offers travel advice

Joanna : It was the very same magic of Mohenjo Daro for me when I was 14 !

Just so - oh I lose the words. Another one of my things to do before I die

was the most amazing society and love the dancing girl ,beard man and pashupati seals