Posted on: 15 May 2018

Educational Heritage of Ancient India : A Talk by Sahana Singh

The Educational Heritage of Ancient India: How an Ecosystem of Learning Was Laid to Waste
By Sahana Singh

Just a thousand years ago, India was dotted with universities across its length and breadth, where international students flocked to gain credentials in advanced education. This book describes how these multi-disciplinary centers of learning existed in several forms such as forest universities, brick-and-mortar universities and temple universities.

It examines the funding for these citadels of learning and their graduation ceremonies. The process by which India's ancient systems of education helped to fuel a knowledge revolution around the world with its manuscripts, forming the basis for monographs and academic papers, is explained with references. The marauding incursions by Muslim invaders, which disrupted the idyllic world of university learning in India, followed by European colonization, which led to further erosion and degeneration of India's traditional learning systems, have been taken up in some detail. Readers will get a snapshot view of India's education system down the ages from ancient to modern times.

Comments from Facebook

The idea of India and Indian societies are not a monolith! and this project of uncritically glorifying Indian history and the 'heritage' of Indian education system is very Brhmanical and Orientalist/Jingoistic Nationalist in nature!

someone from RSS or BJP has taken over this page

How do we fix our present dysfunctional education system?

An old book named Brihtstrotra Ratnakar is a compilation of many strotras. This book is available on Google. Almost 100 years old. Those who are interested may search.

This is a talk with an agenda - this is not scholarship. It demonstrates a crucial lack of understanding of history, pointing fingers at others and taking no responsibility for one's own role.

Just tell me, why most of India was illiterate and deprived of education including other basis necessities of life, food, arms, clothing, healthcare, transport, housing, vocation, etc. Everything was in hand of select few and out of bounds for rest of others. Are you that naive or don't want to acknowledge the ugly dark side of Indian social realities of past and present.

Your write up makes it look like Sahana Singh laid waste the ecosystem of learning

Brilliant lecture.

Sawani Shetye, pl chk.

Sanghi propaganda

Shubhankar Chakravarty This will be worth your while.

good to know Ancient India

I just bought this book...

Vicky Kannan Sudharsan Baskar

Dattaraj Deshapande

Aditya I-Saksham Tyagi fyi sir.
