Posted on: 17 January 2018

'Umeer Dost Mahomed Khan', Kabul - 1843
By Captain Lockyer Willis Hart

Lithograph, tinted with one tint stone, entitled 'Umeer Dost Mahomed Khan', depicting a group of men from Afghanistan, seated on mats under a parasol in the desert. One of the men is a scribe. Dost Muhammad Khan (1793 1863), seated in the centre, was the founder of the dynasty of the Barakzai in Afghanistan. He fought Shuja al Mulk, and was at war with the British, but in 1857, united with the latter in declaring war on Persia. To his right, stands the Persian Abdul Samad, next to Amir Khan (1768 1834), a powerful captain of the Pindaris, or irregular soldiers in Central India, who concluded a treaty with Lord Hastings in 1817. Jabbar Khan reclines on the carpet.

Image and text credit:
Copyright: © Victoria and Albert Museum, London

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