Posted on: 4 November 2014

Digital Rare Book:
The Ramayana of Tulsi Das
By Frederic Salmon Growse
Published by Ram Narain Lall, Allahabad - 1914

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Gouache painting on paper. An illustration from the Rāmayana that includes Rāma, Lakṣmaṇa and Ravaṇa. The painting is framed by a red, green and gold border, which has been adhered to the paper.

© Trustees of the British Museum

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Babu Ram Deen Sinh of Kharag Bilas Press, Bankipore.(near Patna) Samvat 1680, on coast of Asi Ganga Shravan Shukla Saptami, Tulsi tyago sharir

FS Growse - Did some great work at Mathura. The beautiful circular city museum with its well curated Kushan period & other finds of Mathura district, was his creation. A bust of Growse, still inside the museum library. Incidentally, this museum holds the earliest artefacts of Gurgaon too.

Maratha painting, Pune...