Posted on: 18 October 2014

Digital Rare Book:
The Gupta Polity
By V. R. Ramachandra Dikshitar
First edition - Madras, 1952
Reprinted by Motilal Banarsidass Publications -1993

This book on Gupta Polity is a companion volume to the author`s earlier work 'The Mauryan Polity'. The sources of information for a study of the subject are not as many as in the case of the later book. The author firmly believes that Kalidasa was not a protege of the Gupta Court but lived in second century BC and his prolific works cannot throw any light on the Gupta empire. One has to therefore to depend mainly on the Kamandakiya Nitisastra, the inscriptions and coins of the Gupta rulers and the accounts of the Chinese traveller Fa-hien for a knowledge of the Gupta Polity.

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