Posted on: 2 October 2014


Watercolour painting on paper of the goddess Bhavani, a ferocious aspect of Pārvatī. She is shown standing on the decapitated body of a dark skinned male who wears a white loincloth. She is fair skinned and wears a red shawl around her waist. She has a translucent golden shawl over her chest which is bare. She has four arms, two of which are empty and one which holds a spear and another holds a sword. She is unadorned with jewellery or markings. The painting is surrounded by a black border.

Company School
19th Century(early)
Patna, India

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B H A V A N I - is another name for Kali and Parvati, the consort of lord Shiva. which means the giver of existence. As the shakti and female energy of Shiva, she has two characters, one is mild and the other fierce and it is under the latter that she is specially worshipped. In her terrible form she is Durga or Bhavani, the inaccessible. It is in this form that bloody sacrifices are offered to her. She with four arms slaying ferocious demon . She is evoked by women in labor, and they burn incense to honor her.

so beautiful

Thank you Bibhash Gupta!

So the 'fair' skinned one kills a 'dark' skinned one! Disgustingly racists.