Posted on: 1 October 2014

Digital Rare Book:
Durga Puja - With Notes and Illustrations
By Pratapchandra Ghosha
Printed at The Hindu Patriot Press, Varanasi - 1871

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An Illustration form the Markendeya Purana: Adoration of Durga
Kangra or Mandi, circa 1810-20

Opaque watercolor and gold on paper; seated on a gold jeweled throne, Durga with four arms holds a bow, conch, disc and trident, the trimutri of Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva stand before her in adoration, and her tiger raises his head to growl at five devas attending and prostrating on the right.

The representation of Devi in the aspect of Durga is shown holding the weapons of her attending gods. In this aspect she serves as the dispeller of all miseries of the mind and body, invoked through the following prayer:

O thou of four hands
O thou lauded by the four-faced Brahma, supreme sovereign!
give the form, give the victory, give the fame
kill the enemies

Source: Bonhams

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Brahma, Vishnu, Mahesh on left. Indra and other Devtas on right of Aadi shakti' Durga mata. Narad with Veena

Very nice...
