Posted on: 4 April 2014

RBSI’s membership has touched 40,000 today!

This could be just another number...
or this could mean that this many people are interested in Indian rare books, art and heritage.

And that might be a good thing after all...

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Comments from Facebook


Congratulations upon arrival of this milestone!! An affirmation of your tireless effort and excellence in sharing a wealth of information about the land and the people of the longest uniterrrupted living civilization in the world!! May the journey continue with great strength!!

Many congratulations. Proud to be a member of the group.

OMG...40,000. It was less than 3k when I joined! Congratulations...waiting for 50!

Sumedha -- it just means we are old. :P wasnt that many years ago! Or was it?

It's bound to grow...your efforts are sincerely appreciated and wishing you all the best...

Hearty congratulations to RBSI and Mr. Subbiah Yadalam who has lead it since 2009. This is a great milestone.

Congratulations RBSI.

Congratulations on another milestone. Great work. Enjoy your posts, and have downloaded quite a few books from your links.


Great job, Congratulations for elevating hidden treasure .


A great job. We are all happy and feel indebted for sharing the knowledge assets so liberally.

Thank you for all your efforts. We are privileged to have RBSI - a brilliant and original page.

Congratulations. Great source of information.

Kudos. You have kept us engaged and informed and entertained. May RBSI bloom and grow,


Well deserved, well appreciated. Thanks for being there for us hungry people.

A great source of good history!

Thanks for all your hard work. If you have a spare minute (!!), I would request that you make the website easier to browse. Best wishes, Tim Makins.

Congratulations. Thank you for keeping facebook alive. One rare FB page to look forward to, & receive useful & advertising-free alerts from. Good to see the RBSI blog/webpage updates. May need that backup platform soon.

Congratulations and thanks for the beautiful work and huge gift!

Congratulations. One example where technology put to good use and cause.

Great to know.... Congrats.