Posted on: 11 January 2014

Digital Rare Book:
The Teachings of Vedanta according to Ramanuja
By Vasudev Anant Sukhtankar
Published by Druck Von Adolf Holzhausen, Vienna - 1908

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Opaque watercolour painting of a saint seated on a throne in the shade of a tree, leaning against a large bolster. Drawn on his forehead is a namam (emblems) associated with the Tengalai Vaishnavas. His right hand is in jnana mudra, in his left he carries a manuscript, and a chentu (a crooked stick) rests on his left shoulder.

Company School
1830 (circa)

Curator's comments - Dallapiccola 2010:
The identification of this figure is problematic as the cap on his head is reminiscent of Ramanuja’s traditional headgear, although the chentu and the tree suggest Nammalvar. The reference to the Vedas in the caption suggests, however, that this is the philosopher Ramanuja. Dehejia has noted the merging of Ramanuja with Nammalvar.

© Trustees of the British Museum

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Ilaya Perumal రామానుజం
