Posted on: 2 January 2014

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English and Shorthand Dictionary - Based on the original work of Sir Isaac Pitman, with lists of proper names, grammalogues and contractions, and an analytical introduction on the formation of shorthand outlines.
Definitions by Arthur Reynolds.
Published by Pitman, New York - 1917

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The consonants in Pitman's shorthand are pronounced pee, bee, tee, dee, chay, jay, kay, gay, eff, vee, ith, thee, ess, zee, ish, zhee, em, en, ing, el, ar, ray, way, yay, and hay. When both an unvoiced consonant and its corresponding voiced consonant are present in this system, the distinction is made by drawing the stroke for the voiced consonant thicker than the one for the unvoiced consonant. (Thus s is 〈)〉 and z is 〈)〉.) There are two strokes for r: ar and ray. The former assumes the form of the top right-hand quarter of a circle, whereas the latter is like chay 〈/〉, only less steep. There are rules governing when to use each of these forms.
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I have seen a copy of this book. One of our relatives possess this. It is hard cover bounded (possibly red cover).