Posted on: 10 September 2013

Cheetah and Stag with Two Indians
By George Stubbs

Oil on canvas, 182.7 x 275.3 cm

A painting inspired by an incident that took place in 1764, when a cheetah brought to England from India was pitched against a stag in a hunting demonstration at Windsor. The cheetah, seen in profile to the right, wears a collar, a red hood and a red belt harness tied around its abdomen; kneeling to the far side of the cheetah is one of the male figures, wearing a white robe with a single button at the neck and a turban of spotted white fabric, restraining the animal by its belt; he turns his head to the right, looking towards where the second male figure is gesturing.

Collection: Manchester City Galleries

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George Stubbs Cheetah and Stag with Two Indians 1765

I like this painting. Bought a huge print in 1976 in London. It sits in our dining room with two gazelle heads on either side.A family friend and colleague of my father Sir John Dent came several years ago to islamabad and related a very interesting story. One of his great great uncles was a Governor in one of the provinces in India and was sacked for corruption.!! He , on return to England, presented these cheetahs to the King .The painting was done later in one of the King's parks.He was later reinstated as Governor!!!! Sir John Dent was Home Secretary of the old NWFP. My father took over from him as Home Secretary. The first pakistani Home Secretary of NWFP.

Wwwooowwww Hamid Zeb Khan sir very intresting.

Thanks. Mansi Majeji.Take care.Regards.

I have this with me in my collection , look at my profile on Facebook.

There is on print in the Indian parliament, , acquired my framed large printing the 80s.

These unwriitten stories bring far more depth to an otherwise print. Consequently the yarn gets spun and story weaves some more and the lustre is lost. Thanks Hamid