Posted on: 18 August 2013

Digital Rare Book:
Mirabilia Descripta - The Wonders of the East
By Friar Jordanus (ca. 1330)
Translated from Latin by Henry Yule
Published by Hakluyt Society, London - 1863

This is a marvelous book of fanciful traveler's tales by Friar Jordanus, a Dominican missionary who travelled in Iran and India in the time between the writings of Marco Polo and Ibn Batuta. Yule translated the work into English from a book that published the original latin manuscript in Paris in 1839. In his Preface, Yule informs us that "The manuscript from which the French editor transcribed belonged to the Baron Walckenaer. It is on parchment, of the fourteenth century, and contains other matter, the work of Jordanus occupying twenty-nine quarto pages."

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the Friar, what an intrepid dude. Loved him.