Posted on: 8 August 2013

Rakhigarhi likely to be developed into a world heritage site
By Neha Pushkarna | Mail Today | Rakhigarhi, Hisar - March 31, 2013

The road to Rakhigarhi village in Hisar is hardly there. Muddy trails dotted with buffalo dung lead to the mounds inside the village where a well-planned city with wide roads lay buried.

While the village cries for development, its soil holds the remains of the largest city of the Indus Valley civilisation, also known as the Harappan civilisation, where houses were made of large bricks, roads were 1.92 metre wide, the drainage system could be a lesson in modern-day sanitation and people had already aced the art of pottery, painting and weaving. After having lived over the relics of the five millennia old civilisation, villagers in Rakhigarhi now want to flaunt it to the world.

They have donated six acre land to the state government to develop a museum where the artefacts collected 12 years ago during excavation can be exhibited. They also want a hotel on the site to promote tourism and turn the place into a world heritage site.

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expected- but god alone knows how they are going to maintain the mud walls in the open....

Thanks for the post and the link. However, I couldn't understand the meaning of the post by Mr Julian Craig and also don't know his antecendents.

Re: " antecedents " ~ Scottish, by and large ( Aberdeenshire ).