Posted on: 11 January 2013

A truly laudable endeavor by Marie Elisabeth Cader...

International Movement for Elephants

Maneli is primarily a story of love and passion for the Elephants.

It’s also a story of love and admiration for those people who are dedicated to them: dedicated to saving them, and to recreating the living conditions that were theirs before they were captured and enslaved.

Maneli’s mission is to inform the public about these giants and to support the work of those who are creating for them places where they can stay and be cared for; places called « sanctuaries ».

And now, we want to take you down paths unknown to most of you. We want to involve you in our work, and to make you aware of what is happening. The needs are great but it would be utopian to want to solve everything. Let us focus first on those things that can be easily achieved: those things that speak to your heart, and make you decide to take action. And you decide to take action with the intelligence of both the heart and the mind; you act with passion, that passion that takes us out of our ordinary existence when we are touched by the deepest part of ourselves, and when there is nothing else but this passion to take us forward, to make us change, to move, so as not to feel the remorse or regret that comes from doing nothing.

What follows presents beautiful events and also terrible ones. These worst moments are part of the awakening of awareness. The beautiful moments will draw you onward.

Read more and please support this movement:

RBSI feels privileged to have provided some of its resources to this wonderful website.

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I am very proud and honored to have been allowed to use some of the RBSI photos and documents for illustrate my website Maneli. I would like people could understand we have to moove and to act all together, because in some years, all these beautiful animals will be only memories. We have to teach people and our kids, for they could, later, act in different ways that we have done, because this planet and her wild life do not belong to us. They were before us and they must be after us. So please, if you want to do something, share around you and speak. In every parts of the world, we have to speak. Its time now, and I thank you a lot in advance of your support and for your actions.