Posted on: 21 December 2012

A Gateway near Humayun's Tomb leading to the Shrine of Nizamuddin - 1843

[From 'Reminiscences of Imperial Delhi’, an album consisting of 89 folios containing approximately 130 paintings of views of the Mughal and pre-Mughal monuments of Delhi, as well as other contemporary material, with an accompanying manuscript text written by Sir Thomas Theophilus Metcalfe (1795-1853), the Governor-General’s Agent at the imperial court. Acquired with the assistance of the Heritage Lottery Fund and of the National Art-Collections Fund.]

The Nawab Bahadoor (his real name being Jaweed) one of the favorite attaches of the court, having aspired to the office of Prime Minister, was on the Emperor’s return to Dehly invited by Sufdur Jung to a consultation of state affairs at the house of the latter, and there treacherously put to death. This occasioned a breach between the Emperor and his Minister, which ended in open rupture. The Minister attempted, but unsuccessfully to raise an obscure individual to the throne. While Sooruj Mul Jaut, the chief of Bhurtpoor, taking advantage of the anarchy and confusion and instigated it is well known by the Minister attacked Dehly and plundered the city.
In AD 1751 a reconciliation took place between the Emperor and his Wuzeer. The latter obtained leave to return to Lucknow, where he died. His remains were brought from thence and interred in the neighborhood of Dehly, about 5 miles to the west and midway between the city and the Kootoob. Shuja ood Dowlah the son of the deceased raised the beautiful Mausoleum now extant at an expense of there lacks of Rupees.
It is built of the Bassee Sung or light salmon coloured stone and is surmounted with a marble dome of peculiar shape and elegance. The building is 100 feet long, the same broad, and the raised terrace on which it stands 176 feet in length by 176 in breadth.
[A Gateway near Humayun's Tomb leading to the Shrine of Nizamuddin.]
Inscribed beneath: naqsha-i darwaza-i arab sara’i.
A picturesque gateway near Hoomaions Tomb, Page 9 [f. 12] and leading to Nizamoodeen Shrine, Page 40 [f. 44].

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