Posted on: 16 December 2012

Digital Rare Book:
Afghanistan and the Central Asian question
By Fred H. Fisher
Published by James Clarke & Co., London - 1876

The author's best apology for the present book must be the absence of any single English work, so far, at least, as he knows, which professes to give a comprehensive account of the land of the Afghans, the people, and their history, including all that is most important in the past, as well as the more immediately interesting subject of the present, relations of Afghanistan with Great Britain. If the following pages in any way carry out the above idea of what is required at the present juncture of affairs on our Indian frontier, the author's object will have been accomplished. It remains to him to acknowledge the very great obligations under which he lies to the authors and publications named on a subsequent page, besides many that have escaped mention.

One subject of regret the author has had in connection with this work. He had hoped to have been able himself to see it through the press ; but, having to return to duty in India rather more suddenly than he had expected, he has had to leave the task of revising the proof-sheets to a friend, to whose kindness in undertaking it the author is deeply indebted.

- Fred. H. Fisher.

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Cavalry drill in the mountains, Afghanistan. Watercolour.

Credit: Wellcome Library, London

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