Posted on: 20 August 2012

A fortune-teller reading the palm of a soldier.
Oil painting by Pietro Muttoni called della Vecchia.

Credit: Wellcome Library, London

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Quite an intense expression on both their faces

terrible things will occur if you don't leave the pigeons alone

the man on the left looks like khuswant singh

The painting is not called 'della Vecchia'. The artists name was Pietro della Vecchia but was mistakingly called Pietro Muttoni till the late 20th century. An Italian historian of the 18th century had confused the collections with that of another painter Muttoni.The art of palmistry already had a doubtful reputation and continued to be frequently ridiculed in the Renaissance. By the seventeenth century this theme was popular in paintings. And Pietro was no exception with many 'palm reading' works to his credit.