Posted on: 8 August 2012

Digital Rare Book:
By William Halse Rivers
Published by Macmillan & Co., London - 1906

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Toda Mund, Villages and Todas, Neilgherries - 1896

Photograph of a Toda mund (hamlet) in the Nilgiri Hills in Tamil Nadu, taken by Samuel Bourne in 1869. The Todas are one of the most well-known tribal peoples of Southern India. They live in communities in the Nilgiri Hills, their lives revolving around the local grasslands called 'sholas' and the herds of buffalo which they tend there. They have a rich tradition of crafts and are famous for their jewellery and elegantly draped cloaks and shawls decorated with traditonal black and red embroidery. Toda women often wear their hair parted in the centre with long ringlets and sometimes have tattooed decorations of dots and circles on their bodies.

Copyright © The British Library Board

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well dressed with nice hair style specially women

Todas of Nilgiris have such distinct practices and way of living, there are different arguments about their origin. There is Roman connection as well as connection to Mahishmathi as they worship Mahisha (bison). Sadly, most of these Todas have given up their attire and practices and turned to modern ways.

Now only the roadside huts are there.

home sweet home.

This type houses now be seen in tribal museum in Ooty itself!!

It is not a sad thing that Todas have got themselves educated and live in houses which are habitable. They cant always be an anthropologists delight. They like other Indians also have a right to education, sanitation, and a better standard of life, at least as much as the rest of us have. Seriously, you dont expect a Toada girl to dress like this and go to college. Get real people

They look fierce and athletic but are very innocent race.

agreed Nina Varghese. But I have seen Maori people in New Zealand how well they have preserved and are showcasing their culture, ways of living and language, with better standard of life. When I say sad, I mean attempts could have been made to preserve this unique culture and showcas it also. This would have also helped social and anthropological researchers.

During my stay in Ooty during 1976-79, I have had the opportunity of interacting with these people. Ideally, their distinctive culture, life style, attire etc. should be preserved but as has happened in many other communities, unless the government provides and takes care of their material and other welfare, we can't blame them if they also switch over to modern way of life.

simply great read !!

We can't ask people to stay like flies in amber so that the anthropologists can study them and write their theses...they have a right to choose their own lifestyle, just as we have done...

Gauri Satyaji, Why all Indian have switched to British dress and now switching to Jeans from America. Everything in life changes with time and a culture has to be dynamic to survive nothing can remain static.