Posted on: 2 February 2012

The Advent of Spring by Kshitendranath Majumdar, painting, watecolour, Bengal, 1910-1920

The scene depicts a young woman dressed in a white sari sitting beneath a tree on a terrace near some water. She holds a lota (waterpot) in one hand.

Kshitindranath Majumdar (1891-1975) was an influential figure of the Bengal School of Art which flourished between 1905 and 1920. He restricted himself to Vaishnavite (referring to the Hindu god Vishnu) and literary themes, evolving a mannered style in which languid, elongated figures generally appear against simple backgrounds with trees and shrubs. In this scene influences from the paintings at Ajanta and Far Eastern techniques are evident.

Source: V&A, London

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My father in law has made a documentary on the complete works of this artist, in case you know anyone who might be interested in purchasing a copy.

Yes!...Please provide the details.

Is there a more private forum where we may discuss this ? Perhaps private messaging on FB, or else email ?


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