Thakur Bhoj Raj Singh is portrayed sitting on a European chair holding the mouthpiece of his huqqa - 1874
Painted by Gopal, Agra
This Company Painting is a portrait of Thakur Bhoj Raj Singh seated on a European chair holding the mouthpiece of a huqqa. It was drawn by an artist named Gopal at Agra in 1874 and bears a label on both the front and back giving the price as £4; it was acquired by the India Museum soon afterwards and transferred to the South Kensington Museum (now the V&A) in 1879. 'Thakur' is the title given to the son of a Rajput ruler who is deceased, but biographical details of the sitter have not been traced.
Source: V&A, London
The British influence is palpable in the socks and so also in the carpet which is Victorian.The tilak is decidedly Vaishnavite.This angarkha style became popular in the mid-nineteenth century and so are the loud colours which are charaterstic of the period. The embroidery with paisley motifs is Kashmiri.