Posted on: 16 January 2012

Digital Rare Book:
An account of the last 'Battle of Panipat' and the events leading to it.
Written in Persian by Casi Raja Pandit, who was present at the battle; translated into English by Liet. Col. James Brown, of Dinapore, 1st February 1791 and now edite dwith an introduction by H.G. Rawlinson.
Published by Humphrey Milford, Lodon - 1926

Bust portrait in an oval of Sadhashiv Rao Bhau.
Source: Wikipedia

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Kashiraaj Pandit was in employment of Nawab of Awadh.After the battle was over Afgan troops wanted to carry back with them mummified bodies of Maratha noblemen like Vishwasrao Peshwa as war trophies.At that time Nawab of Awadh Shujaudollah intervened and pleaded with Abdali to hand over the bodies to him to perform their last rites.He argued that according to Hindustani practice ones enmity ends with the death of the adversary and his remains should be treated honorably and due religious rites performed.Initially Abdali was very reluctant to agree but then Nawab paid handsome amount of money to him to get possession of the mortal remains of Vishwasrao Peshwa,Jankoji Shinde and some others.Then he authorized Kasiraaj Pandit to perform last rites on them according to Hindu custom.

How to download this book ?

Unfortunately, this book does not have a download link.

The Peshwas did not keep long hair as can be seen here in this portrait. This is unlikely to be Bhau. Also the link does not have this cover at the site. The book is not available at but can be read there page by page and one can download it or copy it also page by page - rather laborious though!

Mula Mutha: We sourced the picture of Sadashiv Rao Bhau from the Wikipedia: I am afraid this book is available only in the DjVu format on

Thats right. The wiki info is wrong. The History will have to be checked to see who has loaded the portrait on wiki. I have a copy of Kasiraj's book (Rawlinson).

Maybe you should rectify this error immediately on the Wiki.

I have just rectified it.

Great! this error served a larger purpose after all! : )

If someone has already dpwnloaded the pages. Is it possible for them to convert them to pdf and then merge them into a single file and then upload it as a single file.