Posted on: 9 January 2012

Courtyard of a house in Pune by William Carpenter, painting, watercolor on paper, India, 1850. A class is in progress under the veranda of the ground floor.

William Carpenter was in India from 1850 t0 1856, during which time he travelled extensively from Bombay (Mumbai) and across western India to Rajasthan, Delhi, Kashmir, Lahore and Afghanistan. His depiction of every day street scenes and groups of people is remarkably accurate and animated, his portraits vividly capturing the character of his sitters and the glowing effects of sunlight as cityscapes and architectural monuments. Brilliantly executed in a range of warm colours, his watercolours evoke a gentle romanticism.

Source: V&A, London

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Its Ved Pathshala housed in colonial period at Vishrambaugwada Pune..

Bit unusual to see a woman on the right depicted in scant clothing. Very impressive architecture, wonder when we fell back to minimal style used now.

some old havelis in old delhi still retain this courtyard style of houses, but the reduction of space in cities has probably led to the demise of this wonderful style of architecture. also, seen a lot in spanish homes curiously. and the person on the right i think is probably a man with a long cloth on his head carrying the basket.

This painting is marvellous
