Posted on: 19 December 2011

Digital Rare Book :
A second letter to the Right Honourable Edmund Burke, esq. : on the subject of the evidence referred to in the second report of the Select committee of the House of commons, appointed to enquire into the state of justice in the provinces of Bengal, Bahar, and Orressa : With a compleat refutation of every paragraph of the letter of Mr. Philip Francis, to the Court of directors of the East India Company.
Printed for The Author - 1782

Image :
Head and Sholders portrait of Warren Hastings; a pinkish mauve curtain on one side - 1800
Marks and inscriptions :
'gavarnar jinral hastin pharangi subidar kelkata, bangalka'
'Warren Hastings copy from an original painting at Jaipur'

Copy of a contemporary portrait of Warren Hastings, Governor General of India from 1774 to 1785. Below written in English hand writing are the words "Warren Hastings. Copy from original contemporary painting at Jaipur."

Source : V&A, London

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