Posted on: 11 December 2011

Digital Rare Book :
Coronation Durbar - Delhi 1911
Official Directory with Maps
Printed by The Superintendent Government Printing India, Calcutta - 1911

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... A fascinating document... (Nb. The rather garish postcard that you have selected to accompany this link is an image inspired by the Delhi Durbar of 1903 ~ the 'Curzonation' ~ and not the Coronation Durbar at which King George V was present in 1911.... On that occasion Their Majesties proceeded to the ceremony in "an Imperial carriage, a semi-state landau... drawn by four magnificent bays with black points" and not upon elephant-back.)

I agree this picture is rather garish, but it was the most colorful one I could find to portray this grand event. And it is an antique post-card too. But should have realised the apparent inaccuracies in the picture before posting it...too late to change it now.

This is indeed an amazing book. It gives an idea of the rare ability for 'flawless organization and execution' the British were endowed with. How else could so few a men rule over such a vast land and people. This may as well serve as a 'text-book' for organizing any grand event...even today ! Of course, Lord Curzon's 'Delhi Durbar 1903' was reputed to be the best of them all.

Re: " How else could so few a men rule over such a vast land and people ?" ... It's relatively straightforward once you have gained the active participation, collaboration and backing of the overwhelming majority of a nation's traditional ruling elites (deposing, along the way, any such members with whom you do not see 'eye to eye') and secured the support of the indigenous middle-classes...

Now now, obviously it wasn't that straightforward after all.

^^ Perhaps not :-) however while the god/devil may be in details, some times stepping back makes very many patterns appear quite simple which look complicated when looked at in detail.