Posted on: 10 December 2011

The British Army encamped below the rock of Sholingarh - 28 September 1781

Water-colour painting of the British Army encamped below the rock of Sholinghur (Tamil Nadu) by Samuel Davis (1756/7-1819), 28 September 1781. Inscribed on the front in ink is: 'The Rock and Pagoda of Sholanghur with part of the Encampment of the British Army (commanded by Lieut. Genl. Sir Eyre Coote K.B.) on the 28th September. 1781. S. Davis. 1781.'

In the late 18th century the British fought against the Muslim rulers of Mysore, Haidar Ali (c. 1722-1782) and his son Tipu Sultan (1753 -1799), for control over southern India. During the second Mysore War (1780-84) the first decisive victory against Haider Ali occurred on June 1st 1781 at Porto Novo under the command of Sir Eyre Coote. Another hard battle was fought at Pollilur on August 27th before the defeat of Haider’s troops occurred at Sholingarh a month later.

Source: British Library

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