Posted on: 16 November 2011

Repainting Shivaji

To mark Ramzan, the Chhatrapati Shivaji Muslim Brigade will promote his image as close to all communities, distribute copies of a painting of him with Muslim sardars
By Siddharth Gadkari - Pune Mirror - 2 August 2011

As Muslims in the city get ready for the holy month of Ramzan, an organisation that works towards showing Chhatrapati Shivaji as dear to all communities during his reign is planning on distributing copies of a 1665 painting that shows the warrior king surrounded by several Muslim sardars. The original masterpiece is a rare one and is displayed at a museum in Paris.

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Mir Mohammad’s painting of Shivaji surrounded by Muslim sardars

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This picture will greatly interest Nitin Ashok Bhagawat.

BOOK REVIEW Exposing a Maharashtra legend Shivaji: Hindu King in Islamic India by James W Laine Reviewed by Piyush Mathur As a matter of grave regret and plain annoyance, I must prelude my review of James W Laine's scintillating book in Indian regional history with a mention of the ugly physical violence that followed the book's release in India in December 2003 and January 2004. What would have ordinarily been but one critical landmark in academic historiography, Laine's book - really only its title, Shivaji: Hindu King in Islamic India - received significant media attention in India as well-orchestrated mobs in Pune, Maharashtra, blackened the face of a Sanskrit scholar who helped Laine in his research and they ransacked the Bhandarkar Oriental Research Institute, Laine's self-confessed "scholarly home" in India (p vii). Read more :

You made my day RBSI! Thanks again!

Contrary to the Political atmosphere today Shivajis conquest was never a hindutwa movement infact his army had a large number of Muslim pathans who were fighting for him.