Posted on: 16 November 2011

Digital Rare Book :
The Kathákoça or Treasury of Stories
Translated from Sanskrit by Charles Henry Tawney
Published by Royal Asiatic Society, London - 1895

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I opened this book with great interest as I am currently reserching the kathasaritasagar and then on page 2, came across this gem...' The doctrine of metempsychosis, a belief widely spread among the lower races of men, coming slowly and surely to lay hold of the Hindu mind...' Really RBSI, at times my patience is stretched to breaking point. Yes I know all about differing perspectives and the ideology of the times but i have not reached enough of a state of nirvana to appreciate being called rascist names, perhaps. You must point this book out to all those people who accuse you of pandering to Hindu sensibilities. I am sure they will be thrilled. I am less than then thrilled however , and will take my own project forward a little faster , perhaps.

Sumedha Verma Ojha : Haha...isnt that hilarious !! Thanks for bringing this to our attention as a word of caution to all our readers. I guess this is one more curious book reflecting the biases of those yesteryears. Looking forward to your book which I am sure will be far more delightful to read.

Progressing at a glacial pace :( As is the publishing of the first one. patience is a virtue to be cultivated! :)

This comment was apparently made in 1895. Because of the constantly changing social values, it can be dismissed today. What can not be ignored are similar comments made anywhere (including India) today.